Nyheder 2011 – den Sydafrikanske vinindustri

Statistic fra den Sydafrikanske vinindustri 2010/2011

Currently 101.016 hectares of vines producing wine grapes are under cultivation in South Africa over an area some 800 kilometres in length.

Hvide vine:
White varietals constitute 56% of the plantings for wine, with Chenin Blanc plantings comprising 18.3% of the total.

Røde vine:
Red varietals account for 44% of the national vineyard. The most widely planted red varietal is Cabernet Sauvignon, accounting for 12.2% of the total.
Shiraz accounts for 10%, while Merlot accounts for 6.4% and Pinotage, which is indigenous to South Africa, represents 6.2%.
The local wine industry continues to re-align its vineyard offering in line with international trends

According to a study, commissioned by the SA Wine Industry Information & Systems (SAWIS) and published in December 2009, some 275.606 people were employed both directly and indirectly in the wine industry in 2008, including farm labourers, those involved in packaging, retailing and wine tourism.

The study also concluded that of the R26.2 billion gross domestic product (GDP) contributed by the wine industry to the regional economy, some R4.3 billion was generated indirectly through wine-tourism activities centred in the winelands.
About R14.2 billion eventually would remain in the Western Cape to the benefit of its residents.

Growth in contribution to the GDP has been at least 10% per annum since 2003.

In terms of world wine production, South Africa ranks as number seven in overall volume production of wine and produces 3.0% of the world’s wine (2010).

Of the country’s total annual harvest of 984.8 mill. litres in 2010, 79% was devoted to the making of wine, 4.0% to wine for brandy, 11.5% to distilling wine and 5.1% to grape juice concentrate and grape juice.
Of the country’s estimated total annual harvest of 973.7 mill. litres in 2011, 80% was devoted to the making of wine, 3% to wine for brandy, 13% to distilling wine and 4% to grape juice concentrate and grape juice.
Exports of natural (i.e. non-fortified) packaged wines for the 2010 calendar year reached 222.3 mill. litres, a decrease of 7.3% on the previous year.
Red wine exports decreased by 7.0% to account for 49.5% of all natural wines exported.


Total hectares for 2010 stand at 101.016 ha compared to 101.259 ha in 2009. This represents a decrease of 243 ha. Until 2006 the total surface showed an annual increase; since then a steady decrease totalling 1.130 ha.

Pinot Noir (Table 1) has, over the past 10 years, improved in ranking amongst the top 20 wine grape varieties, while Crouchen (Cape Riesling) moved down from 16th to 18th place.

For the period 2000 — 2010 the vineyard area as a percentage of the total area increased in Robertson, Worcester and Breedekloof regions, while decreasing in Malmesbury and Paarl (Table 2).

Regarding individual wine grape varieties, Chenin blanc represented 24.1% of the total wine surface in 2000, Colombar 12.2%, Cabernet Sauvignon 9.4%, Pinotage 6.9%, Chardonnay 6.5%, Shiraz 6.0%, Sauvignon blanc 5.8%, followed by the varieties detailed in Table 4. In 2010 Chenin blanc (18.3%) decreased significantly. Red varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz increased significantly over this period.

As mentioned before a great concern is that since 2005 the industry has not been able to replace an annual 5%, about 5 000 ha, of existing vineyards. A life span of 20 years serves as guideline, but according to role players this is especially with regard to red varieties not attainable and a life span of 15 years is considered to be more realistic.
Figure 8 and Table 5 gives an overview of the situation.



WINE PRODUCED (Million Gross Litres)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Wine 628.5 709.7 730.4 763.3 805.1 780.7
Distilling wine 129.2 147.9 146.4 166.5 122.1 113.3


1990 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010
% % % % % %
Chenin 32 24 19 19 18 18
Chardonnay 2 6 9 8 8 8
Sauvignon Blanc 4 6 8 9 9 10
TOTAL WHITE 84 64 56 56 56 56
Cabernet 4 9 13 13 12 12
Merlot 1 5 7 7 7 6
Pinotage 2 7 6 6 6 6
Shiraz 1 6 10 10 10 10
TOTAL RED 16 36 44 44 44 44


Years White % Red % Total %
<4 years 5.4 2.3 7.7
4-10 years 17.5 15.8 33.3
11-15 years 9.3 19.0 28.3
16-20 years 8.8 3.9 12.8
20+ years 15.0 2.8 17.9
Total 56 44 100


1996 99 900 000 140
1998 116 800 000 108
2000 138 400 000 108
2001 176 100 000 126
2002 215 800 000 123
2003 237 300 000 110
2004 266 500 000 112
2005 280 084 000 105
2006 271 778 000 97
2007 313 886 000 115
2008 407 320 000 132
2009 389 141 000 96
2010 389 324 000 96
% TOTAL EXPORTS BY COUNTRY (Litres) (Bulk plus Bottled)

UK 28
Germany 19
Netherlands 7
Sweden 10
Africa 4
Denmark 5
Canada 4
Belgium 3
All Other 16


Bottled 2003 % 2009 % 2010 %
UK 50 40 30
Netherlands 19 9 9
Sweden 7 14 14
Germany 7 6 8
Denmark 2 5 5
Canada 2 4 4
Belgium 2 2 2
USA 3 4 4
Finland 2 2 2
Africa 2 4
All others 8 12 18


2009/2008 2010/2009
UK 111 70
Netherlands 99 97
Sweden 118 98
Germany 99 113
China 150 176
Canada 111 103
Belgium 95 113
USA 100 117
Denmark 95 102
Total 107 93