En kølig vækstsæson med langsom og sen modning, der har givet frugtrige vine med lavt alkoholindhold og moden garvesyre.
Lavt høstudbytte. 2010 betragtes af flere som den bedste høst siden 2002.
Udbyttet er generelt 20-25% under normalen.
Production for 2010 was expected to increase from the poor crop in 2009, but would still be below normal levels.
Estimated at 2,4 million tons (13,2 million hectolitres), the harvest was smaller due to unfavourable weather at the beginning of 2010.
According to Argentina’s National Wine Institute, extremely high temperatures, low humidity and hail storms impacted on the lower production output this year.
2010 høsten kom til at stå I skyggen af de massive jordskælv der ramte Chile 27. februar, et tidspunkt hvor man normalt ville have begyndt høsten.
En kølig blomstrings- og vækstsæson betød dog at høsten først for alvor gik i gang i slutningen af marts, det betød til gengæld at man logistisk havde fået styr på situationen efter de katastrofale skælv.
2010 høsten har budt på mange udfordringer, og der er forholdsvis stor spredning på resultatet af den kølige sæson.
Vinene fra det i forvejen køligere Casablanca forventes sjovt nok at blive rigtig gode, da man i forvejen heroppe dyrker sorter som eksempelvis Sauvignon Blanc og Pinot Noir, der trives i det køligere klima.
Derimod har Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah og til dels Carmiere haft vanskeligt ved at fuldmodne, og flere steder høstede man først disse sorter i maj (svarende til høst i november på den nordlige halvkugle).
Udbyttet er generelt 20-25% under normalen.
Despite the damage caused by the earthquake that hit the productive heart of the Chilean wine industry – 70 percent of the country’s vineyards are very close to the earthquake’s epicentre – the harvest of vintage 2010 was expected to end without major surprises, according to estimates by the Association of Wines of Chile.
The 2010 harvest was projected to reach 800 million litres, 7,8% below the 2005-2009 average of 868 million litres.
The losses caused by the 8.8 magnitude earthquake of 27 February were estimated at about 125 million litres or 12 percent of the 2010 vintage.
Meget afhængig af de forskellige områder og de forskellige druesorter.
I det sydlige Australien rapporter man generelt om en god høst, men en hedebølge under blomstringen har især påvirket udbyttet af Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon og Chardonnay.
I Østaustralien oplevede man en jævnt god sæson, mens man vestpå fik højt udbytte og en meget varm og våd sensommer.
Kvaliteten varierer meget efter om der blev høstet før eller efter regnen for alvor satte ind.
Høstudbytte omkring normalen
The total tonnage of grapes is likely to be down significantly on last year’s (bumper) harvest.
After 2009’s devastating fires and heat wave, the 2010 climatic conditions were excellent with moderate weather and good winter and spring rains to boost growth.
The 2009/10 growing season began in late August with bud burst on average seven to 10 days earlier than in 2008.
It was an average year for rainfall and the vineyards started the season with a full soil profile for the first time since 2005.
Early spring was relatively cool with very slow vine growth through much of September and October.
November was the total opposite, with a heat wave early in the month when seven out of nine days were above 40°C.
These extreme temperatures were followed by rain which helped rehydrate the thirsty vines. Subsequently the weather remained relatively mild.
Despite the early heat wave the vines developed strong, healthy canopies and given the mild summer, leaf health was very good at the start of veraison.
Veraison began in early January and progressed quickly in all varieties.
With most varieties flowering at the same time in many regions, the 2010 vintage was one of the most condensed with crushing completed by the end of March compared with mid-April in 2009.
The quality of this year’s vintage looks overall good through to excellent, with many vineyards planted in the 90s now maturing well and producing great fruit.
Whites show intense varietal characters while the reds display excellent colour and flavour.
New Zealand
Sensommeren var til gengæld varm, og generelt rapporteres der om en meget sæson der har været meget nem for producenterne.
Sauvignon Blanc har generelt fine tropefrugtaromaer, der tilskrives den varme sensommer, og de har stadig bevaret deres flotte syreniveauer.
Det rapporteres at Pinot Noir, på grund af den varme sensommer har dannet tykkere drueskind, og de derfor har mere farve end normalt, og har højere koncentration og mere struktur end normalt.
Der er høje forventninger til disse vine.
Producers expected to harvest between 265.000 and 285.000 tons of grapes, according to the New Zealand Winegrowers’ annual pre-vintage survey.
Growers had a great start to the season with a warm flowering and fruit set period.
Above average rainfall in January and a cool spring period slowed the start of the traditional growing season.
With the cooler summer, late season heat and dry weather, wines will typically have deeper colour and great aromatics due to the higher natural acids in the grapes.
The 2010 harvest started about two weeks later than usual.